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Getting Started (How to join the mesh)

We’re so glad you want to join NYC Mesh! Here’s how to get started: 

  1. Read our FAQ. The Frequently Asked Questions list contains information about our community-owned network: how NYC Mesh operates, our policies, our donation-based pricing model, the equipment we use, and more. 
  2. Fill out our Join Form. Our network uses wireless routers mounted on high points (mostly rooftops) in order to connect members to each other and to the internet. In order to join NYC Mesh, you will need a clear line of sight to another building that's connected to the mesh. Once you fill out the form, we’ll take a look at your location and determine if it’s possible to connect you to our network.
  3. Check your email. You’ll receive an auto-reply email with instructions to follow. We’ll ask for a few photos from your rooftop to see if you can connect to our network. If it doesn’t work out this time, keep in touch – our network is always expanding. If you don’t hear back from us within a week after you’ve sent in your photos, check your email spam folder or contact us directly at
  4. Click the link in your email to request an install. If you’re within range, you can request an install. One of our volunteers will then contact you to confirm your request and set the date/time for your install. If you’re interested in purchasing your own equipment and doing a DIY install instead, join the #diy-install-support channel in our Slack group.
  5. Make sure you’re home at the scheduled install time. Our volunteers will need access to both your apartment and your rooftop, so it’s crucial that you’re home for the duration of the install. Volunteers will mount an outdoor router on your rooftop, run Ethernet cable from the roof into your apartment to connect your indoor router, and make sure your connection is strong. Most installs take around around 2 hours to complete, however we ask you to be available for 4 hours from the start of your install time in case the installation process takes longer than expected.
  6. Pay the install fee and set up a voluntary monthly donation. The install fee covers the average cost of equipment, and your tax-deductible donations enable us to expand and maintain the network. For information about pricing, check out our FAQs and

Thanks again for your interest! If you have questions not answered by the FAQ, please email us or join us on Slack.