Sending email notifications to members
This guide details the process to send emails to all the members that will be affected by maintenance work or other tasks that may cause an outage or slow speeds for members.
The goal is to notify affected members ahead of time to ensure they are not caught by surprise during the network outage. This also avoids taking up volunteers time chasing support issues that turn out to just be another team of volunteers working on a rooftop.
Consider also posting a notification to via the #status-page channel to notify folks who may have missed the email. Please reach out to a #maintenance-team member if you need access to this channel.
Getting the list of NN's
There are a few ways to retrieve the list of NN's that need to be notified of an outage.
In some situations only one NN will be affected, like if you are only taking one building offline. That's easy, one NN to notify.
Otherwise you can use tools like Outage Simulator and Node Explorer to determine which nodes will be affected by an outage.
Generally, it's better to over-notify than under-notify, so we are usually pretty liberal with our notification emails.
Retrieving the memberemails emailsfor specific NNs from MeshDB using SQL Explorer
MeshDB allows you to retrieve all the emails for the individual members at a node with a few simple steps.
Access the SQL Explorer tool located at
You'll need to have a credentials for Mesh DB, so either request them in #meshdb on slack or find a friend who can help.
Select the "Email from NN" query and click the Play button. This will open the query in a new window where you can go ahead and make changes.
Copy of the query fuction
SELECT meshapi_member.primary_email_address
FROM meshapi_member
(SELECT meshapi_install.member_id
FROM meshapi_install
WHERE meshapi_install.status = 'Active'
AND meshapi_install.node_id IN
FROM meshapi_node
WHERE network_number IN (1384, 350, 7016, 136, 1440)))
Edit the numbers in the query to the NN's you need, then click "Refresh" to run the query again.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and copy the list of emails.
You can also use the "Download" button to save the output as a .csv or .json for importing into other tools.
Retrieving the emails for every active member from MeshDB using SQL Explorer
Access the SQL Explorer tool located at
You'll need to have a credentials for Mesh DB, so either request them in #meshdb on slack or find a friend who can help.
Select the "Return primary emails of all active members" query and click the Play button. This will open the query in a new window.
Run the query. (no changes should be needed)
Return primary emails of all active members
SELECT DISTINCT meshapi_member.primary_email_address
FROM meshapi_member
(SELECT meshapi_install.member_id
FROM meshapi_install
WHERE meshapi_install.status = 'Active')
It should return something around 1300 results (as of Dec 2024).
Export as .csv for importing into MailChimp. (which should be used when emailing this many people to avoid triggering spam filters)
Sending the emails
There are several ways to send emails to a group of members. The method we've currently settled on is using a volunteer's @nycmesh email address, CCing and BCC'ing the email's of the affected members.
This method uses an @nycmesh email so the email appears formal, while still coming from the individual volunteer's personal email, so they can respond to any questions or follow up if needed. By CC'ing the support email, we ensure that if a member Replies-All to the email (which we usually mention in the email) then a ticket will be opened in OSTicket for tracking and other volunteers to provide support.
Once you send the email, a ticket will immediately be opened in OSTicket for you (as you CC'd the support email).
It's helpful to the other volunteers to log in and close this ticket as soon as you can, so no other volunteers get confused and try to respond to you.
At some point we could also consider using MailChimp to send a template email to an uploaded .csv list of emails.
Template Emails
Here are a few previous emails that can be used as templates and modified as needed.
Planned maintenance outage
You are receiving this email because you are a mesh member at Node 552.
We are writing to you to inform you of a planned maintenance outage that will occur tomorrow, September 24th, 2024 between the hours of 10am to 12pm
You may experience slower speeds and/or your connection may go offline for a short period (expected to last between 5-15 minutes) during this window as our volunteers conduct maintenance and upgrades to your buildings mesh equipment.
We appreciate your patience while we conduct these upgrades and apologize for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to us by reply-all to this email which will open a support ticket. One of our volunteers will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
You can also reach out to us via our normal support channels as well:
Email: - Phone: 833-NYC-MESH (692-6374)
Slack: (message us in the #support channel)