Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
5 - Networking
Hubs provide connectivity for many nodes in a neighborhood. They come in three different sizes: s...
NYC Mesh OSPF Routing Methodology
5 - Networking
This guide gives an overview of the OSPF methodology and topology currently deployed at NYC Mesh....
Config Table of Contents
3 - Hardware & Firmware
List of devices we use and links to standard configs and firmware. Serves as a table of contents ...
Hotspot Omni Configuration Guide
2 - Install & Maintenance Guides
This guide applies to a specific Omnitik device that is configured for use as a mobile WiFi hotsp...
Typical Install Diagrams
2 - Install & Maintenance Guides
The purpose of these diagrams are to give a technical overview of the routing of a typical mesh n...
Typical Installs
2 - Install & Maintenance Guides
Please read our FAQ if you haven't already. The intention of this page is not to be technical bu...