Recently Updated Pages
Taking Panorama Photos
Why we need panorama photos: A direct line of sight to a Supernode, Hub or another mesh node is ...
Sending email notifications to members
This guide details the process to send emails to all the members that will be affected by mainten...
MikroTik NetPower Lite 7R
The NetPower Lite 7R (np7) is an outdoor 8 Ethernet port + 2 SPF port switch with PoE output on o...
How to use an EoIP tunnel to send your device's traffic to another part of the mesh
In some situations, such as when troubleshooting traffic paths, or trying to bypass a LinkNYC cap...
Kubernetes Clusters
This page is a draft We have several Kubernetes clusters at the Mesh: prod1 prod3 (soon) dev3...
Use of Public IP
Attributing a Public IP to a member (via DHCP).Public IP means the member’s device is accessible ...
Outreach Materials
Mesh Guide: Mesh Guide given to new members and for general mesh info.(Paper copies are availabl...
NYC Mesh partnership with Mil Mundos and Bushwick Ayuda Mutua
Introduction: Mil Mundos en Comun is a mutual aid and community resources space located in Bushw...
How to bulk create installs for large buildings
These instructions detail how to provision many Install requests at once. Usually this is done at...
The install I'm creating doesn't have a good email, what do I do?
In the case of institutional installs at large or small hubs, or when creating an install before ...
We use Datadog to monitor MeshDB. Dashboard
Member Connection Troubleshooting Guide
Introduction: This guide is intended to help mesh members troubleshoot their own NYC Mesh connec...
MeshForms is our React frontend for MeshDB. It is intended to be a monolithic fro...
Slack Basics Guide
NYC Mesh uses Slack as our primary medium for exchanging information and coordinating our organiz...
WiFi Speed - How much bandwidth do I actually need?
Your Internet and WiFi Speeds How much speed do you need? Several factors can affect your inter...
Brocade Router CLI Notes
Overview This ICX6610 network switch may be capable of acting as a core router for a large site i...
How to onboard API clients to MeshDB
These instructions are for creating API access for automated systems. For human users, see How to...
How to Onboard Users to MeshDB
These instructions are for creating administrator console access for human users. For automated s...
This page intends to list the services "hosted" on NYC Mesh and available directly to NYC Mesh me...
Typical Installs
Please read our FAQ if you haven't already. The intention of this page is not to be technical bu...